24 Sep 跨媒体虚拟仿真实验教学中心
跨媒体艺术虚拟仿真实验教学中心,是集虚拟现实、仿真实验、在线教学、媒体传播于一体的跨领域教学与媒体艺术实验平台。中心绕 ” 内外互通 “、” 跨界整合 “、” 无界无限 ” 的建设理念,以课程资源的社会共享,教学过程的开源互动,专业知识的双向传播为目标,建立以网络化教学、交互式学习为目标的门户网站。
中心主要包括四项功能:在线课程教学、虚拟学习社区与” 教—学 ” 即时互动系统、双向传播的专业知识库、动态更新的前沿课题库。中心自成立以来,一直致力于以信息化、全媒体的教学方式革新实验教学手段,以 ” 虚拟仿真 ” 的实验教学形态推进教学改革,建设线上线下、互补互动的” 混合式 ” 教学机制;并且,着力推动艺术教育资源的社会传播,涵盖艺术学科门类下的众多专业领域,打造开放共享、终身学习的艺术教育 / 传播 / 交流平台。
SIMA VR Artistic Experimental teaching center
National-level virtual reality experimental teaching center
SIMA VR Artistic Experimental teaching center is an interdisciplinary teaching platform as well as an artistic experimental platform assembling virtual reality, simulation experiment, online teaching and media transmission. The center holds concepts such as “connecting the internal and the external”, “interdisciplinary collaboration ” and “sans limits, without barriers”, aiming to construct a web portal that is specialized in teaching and interactive learning.
The center serves four main functions: being an online courses teaching system, a virtual learning community and “teaching-learning” real-time interactive system, a two-way communicational professional repository as well as an up-to-date project library. Ever since its establishment, the center has been devoted to revolutionary teaching methods armed with informational and omnimedia techniques; utilizing virtual stimulation experimental teaching as an innovative idea, the center builds an online-offline complementary interactive teaching model. The center’s archive covers numerous areas of art studies, capable of providing a life-long, open platform for artistic education, transmission and communication.
Director: Guan Huaibin
Deputy Director: Tian Jin