September 2011

声纳计划 首先,SONART的概念并非专指声音或音乐演出,它是高士明副院长推动的现场演出与影音出版的概念,由我负责策划执行。它是取“声纳”之本意,即 发出一声波,透过其反射回来的信号,探得空间定位。

multimedia performance (Sept 7, 8 pm & Sept 8, 5 pm & On-going performance) 9/7/11 - 9/11/11- 2011 Illustration: Qiu Zhijie, Song Zhen and China Academy Fine Art students Commissioned by Arthub Asia for SH Contemporary 2011. Students born in the late 80’s are asked about the meaning of ‘Soviet Union’...