28 Nov 基本视觉研究所
研究所主要采用 ” 主题式 ” 的研究性教学,以现实的研究课题牵引专业教学和创作实践,并在教学中不断训练、强化学生的视觉认知能力和媒介感悟能力,着力培养视觉艺术研究和创作领域的复合型实践人才。
所 长:范厉
The Institution of Fundamental Vision founded by renowned artist Geng Jianyi ,takes the act of viewing as research subject and takes into consideration the difference from different cultural backgrounds. It analyzes the behavior, habit and fashion of viewing and discusses the potential variables and development trends under the influence of metadata and omnimedia era. The institution uses a theme-based research-oriented teaching method, which drives teaching and practicing with realistic research topics. It intends to amplify students’ visual cognition skills and media sensing skills, thus creating professionals with both visual art research and creation.
Director:Fan Li
Academic Host: Zhang Peili
Research Fellows: Zhang Liaoyuan, Jiang Zhuyun