






GAO Shiming

Dr. Gao Shiming is a curator and critic based in Hangzhou, China.

He is currently the vice president of China Academy of Art. He is the founding chair of CAA’s Curatorial Studies Department (which is the first curatorial program in China), and the founding director of the School of Inter-media Art(SIMA),, Hangzhou. He is also the initiator ofthe China Institute for Visual Studies and the Asian intellectual organization Inter Asia School (IAS).

As a scholar, Gao is professor of contemporary art theory, social thoughts and curatorial studies. He published many books and catalogs include Visual Thinking: Intangible Dialogue between Art and Phenomenology, 2002; A Visual Report: Migration of Contemporary Art and Geopolitics in Asia, 2003; Farewell to Post-colonialism, 2008;Rehearsal, and Ho Chi Minh Trail, 2010; All things Lethal Remain Unutterable, 2011; Book in Action: On Curatorial Writing, 2012;Post/Colonial Condition of Knowledge: A Contemporary Asian ThoughtReader, 2012; Reflecta: Sound and Image After 2000, 2013; West Heavens: India China Summit on Social Thought, 2014; Three Parallel Artworlds: 100 Art Things from Chinese Modern History, 2015. He is the fellow ofSterling and Francine Clark Art Institute(2011), and his research project at Clark is titled Rehearsal, or, Art without Artwork. From 2013, he initiated the Renjian Thought Review and is the editor in chief of this intellectual Journal.

He is also curator of many exhibitions and intellectual projects, including: The Migration of Asian Contemporary Art and Geopolitics,2002-2003; Techniques of the Visible: the 5th Shanghai Biennale, 2004;Asian Time: New Media Art Exhibition, 2005; The Yellow Box: Contemporary Art and Architecture in Chinese Space, 2006; Alchemy of Shadow: the 3rd Lianzhou International Photography Festival, 2007;Reversing Horizons: Artist Reflections of the Hong Kong Handover 10th Anniversary, 2007; Revival of the Countryside: Special Project of Sao Paulo Architectural Biennial, 2007; Farewell to Post-colonialism: the Third Guangzhou Triennial, 2008; Rehearsal: the 8th Shanghai Biennale, 2010; West Heavens: Dialogues between Indian and Chinese Social Thoughts, 2010-2011; and World in Transition, Imagination in Flux: Asian Circle of Thought Shanghai Summit, 2012; Reflecta: the First West Bund Biennale for Architecture and Contemporary Art, 2013; Inter-Asia Biennial Forum (Taipei, Shanghai, Kochi), 2014;Renjian Thoughts Forum: Reports of Asian Social Thought Movements, 2014; Forums in Motion:BANDUNG/Third World 60 Years (Hangzhou, Kochi, Beijing, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bandung), 2015; etc..