29 Mar 喜报|蔡宇潇入围第18届拉古纳国际艺术奖(Arte Laguna Prize)
近日,蔡宇潇(中国美院跨媒体艺术学院开放媒体系教师)凭借作品《乌水有多深?》(How Deep Is the Dark Water?)获选第十八届拉古纳国际艺术奖(Arte Laguna Prize)的“虚拟与数字艺术”区块的最终提名(本区块共5人)。同时,他将于2024年11月16日参加位于威尼斯北军械库(Arsenale Nord)的第18届拉古纳国际艺术奖大型联展。这是继赢得2023年英国流明艺术科技奖(Lumen Prize)的“华艺数奖”以及美国独立游戏节(Independent Games Festival)的“最佳视觉艺术”的最终提名后,蔡宇潇再一次取得重要国际性荣誉。

意大利拉古纳国际艺术奖由意大利国家文化协会(MoCA)与拉古纳艺术有限公司(Arte Laguna srl)合作举办。旨在推广并提升当代艺术,致力于视觉艺术,特别是绘画、雕塑、摄影、影像艺术、表演,虚拟和数字艺术,其目的是通过提供各种机会来促进和支持艺术家及艺术事业的发展,是目前全球当代艺术赛事项目中最全面的国际化年度赛事。
该奖与国际艺术画廊、基金会、多家企业、艺术驻留、博览会、重要学术机构进行合作。除奖金之外,获奖作品还有机会参加2024年11月16日至12月8日在意大利威尼斯北军械库120名入围艺术家的大型联展和国际艺术画廊的展览。并有机会被收录到Arte Laguna World的门户网站,且在艺术奖图册上的出版。同时,获奖者也将能获得与各类公司合作、参与艺术驻留计划的机会。

作为一名以游戏为工具进行创作的艺术家,他的作品获得英国流明艺术科技奖(Lumen Prize)的“华艺数奖”(2023)、旧金山Frozen电影节的“最佳电子游戏”(2023)、拉古纳艺术奖(Arte Laguna Prize)“虚拟与数字艺术”的最终提名(2024)以及美国独立游戏节(Independent Games Festival)“最佳视觉艺术”的最终提名(2023)。

Recently, Rhett Tsai, who teaches in the Open Media Department of the School of Intermedia Art at China Academy of Art, was selected as the finalist of the 18th Arte Laguna Prize for “Virtual and Digital Art” for his work How Deep Is the Dark Water? (5 people in total for this section). He will also participate in the final exhibition of the Arte Laguna Prize on November 16, 2024, at the Arsenale Nord in Venice. This is another major international honor for Tsai, after winning the “HUA Award” for the Lumen Prize 2023 and a finalist for “Excellence in Visual Arts” for the Independent Games Festival.
About Arte Laguna Prize

The brainchild of Cultural Association MoCA, Arte Laguna Prize is an international art competition dedicated to the visual arts, in particular painting, sculpture, photography, video art and performance, virtual and digital art. It was created to give the opportunity to art talents, more or less young, to emerge, to be noticed by the general public and by the jury composed of important names in the contemporary art scene, as well as to allow a democratic comparison between international artists.
The goal is to create an increasingly authoritative and influential system in the world of contemporary art by involving new players from year to year. Since 2006, a virtuous circuit has been created that sees many diversified realities as actors: Foundations, Museums, Galleries, Residences and spaces for art, Made in Italy companies and international brands, with which special projects were designed, then transformed in concrete opportunities for growth and momentum for the professional career of artists.
About the Artist

Rhett Tsai (Yuxiao CAI) is an artist and experimental-game developer based in Hangzhou, China. He was born in 1995 in Ningde, China. Currently, he teaches in the Open Media Department at China Academy of Art.
Based on China’s unique Internet ecosystem and media society, Rhett’s interests include art and technology, cyberculture based on China, smart cities, and hypertext. His work spans multiple fields including experimental game, virtual reality, computer animation, and sound to express his critical reflection on the media society here and now. His current focus is on the use of video games as a method to tap into the diaspora, wandering, and nostalgia of individuals living under multiple historical narratives.
As an artist who uses games as a tool to create his work, he has been awarded the “HUA Award” for the Lumen Prize (2023), “Best Video Game” for the San Francisco Frozen Film Festival (2023), a finalist for “Virtual and Digital Art” at the Arte Laguna Prize (2024), and a finalist for “Excellence in Visual Arts” at the Independent Games Festival (2023).
About the Artwork

How Deep Is the Dark Water? is an experimental game that that imagines a story of forgetting and chasing, as the player follows the slow wanderings of a fleeing man’s guide through memories and visions constructed from historical narratives and individual experiences.
