



 Real-Time Sound Systems from 

  Video Games to Restaurants 


Ben Houge





2019年10月28日 下午2:30






曾经是中国先锋实验音乐圈重要成员的美国音乐家 Ben Houge 此次应姚大钧教授的邀请来中国美术学院参观 virREAL 虚拟现实实验室并在跨媒体艺术学院举办讲座,详细解说他在实时互动声音装置、电脑音乐、及游戏音乐方面的实际创作心得和技法。
Ben Houge 曾经长年在上海担任 Ubisoft 游戏公司的音乐制作,作品包括《奥秘:蒸汽与魔法》 、《半条命》系列等知名游戏,同时积极深度参与中国当时正红火的先锋实验音乐圈的演出及策展等各类活动,也曾经是姚大钧创设的 “Chinese New Ear 中国新耳朵”中国先锋音乐网站上的特邀乐评人。
目前 Ben Houge 任教于美国的知名音乐学府 Berklee College of Music。此次讲座中 Ben 将以他流利的中文演讲,并展示他的最新手机互动作品。
Ben Houge 近照
Ben Houge
Ben Houge作品:电子游戏《奥秘:蒸汽与魔法》声音创作
Ben Houge作品:电子游戏《Tom Clancy’s EndWar》声音创作

Ben Houge的作曲工作源于对实时数字系统的长期关注。作为一名艺术家,他的作品将电子游戏的组织概念应用于更广阔的文化舞台,包括声音装置,用观众手机的现场表演,以及生成视频作品。最近,他一直在与厨师合作,使用分布式扬声器阵列、传感器和响应音乐系统开发多感官的用餐体验,以实现前所未有的音乐与用餐搭配。在本次讲座中,Ben Houge将为听众介绍他的创作经验和最新作品。

Ben Houge作品:美食歌剧《Le Dîner des Amazones》,与波士顿交响乐团合作


Composer Ben Houge’s work stems from a longstanding interest in real-time digital systems. Since 1996 he has developed sound and music for the interactive medium of video games, notably composing the string quartet soundtrack for the role-playing game Arcanum and working at the Shanghai office of Ubisoft as audio director of Tom Clancy’s EndWar.As an artist, his work applies organizational concepts from video games in a broader cultural arena in the form of sound installations, live performances that often involve audience mobile phones, and generative video works. Most recently he has been working with chefs to develop multisensory dining experiences, using distributed speaker arrays, sensors, and responsive music systems to achieve an unprecedented pairing of music with a meal.


Ben Houge出生于1974年,是一位在国际上十分活跃的美国作曲家和声音设计师,伯克利音乐学院电子制作与设计系教授。自1996年起,他参与了大量电子游戏的声音设计和作曲项目。在与雪乐山公司的七年合作中,他为《半条命》系列、《奥秘:蒸汽与魔法》等著名游戏进行声音开发。2003年,本·霍格加入育碧公司。他的作品大多使用电脑进行判断和制作声音,并将其在数字媒体方面的经验融入到现场表演的作曲中。Houge教授拥有圣奥拉夫学院和华盛顿大学的音乐学位。自2011年以来,他在波士顿的伯克利音乐学院教授各种形式的互动音乐,电子游戏音频,应用软件开发和其他实时系统。有关更多信息,请访问 www.audiogustatory.com。

About the Speaker 

Ben Houge(Born 1974) is an internationally active American composer and audio designer. He has worked on many projects, including composing music and designing audio for video games since 1996. He contributed to popular titles during his seven years of association with Sierra On-Line including developing audio for the Half-Life series and Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. In 2003, Houge left Sierra to work as a freelance audio designer and later joined the video game corporation Ubisoft. Much of his work employs computers to make decisions and generate sound, and he has incorporated ideas from his experience in digital media into compositions for live performance. Professor Houge holds music degrees from St. Olaf College and the University of Washington, and he has taught various forms of interactive music, video game audio, app development, and other real-time systems at Berklee College of Music in Boston since 2011. More information is available at www.audiogustatory.com.