July 2023

前言 在数字技术快速发展的背景下,区块链、元宇宙、AIGC等热点更新选代,崭新的技术事实不断冲击着我们的现实生活,现象的矛盾话语阻碍着我们与新异世界的相遇。社会与自然、现实与想象、人工智能与人类智性的边界在反复冲刷中日益模糊,创造力被逐至数字盛墟的边境,淹没于喧嚣激荡之海。 With the rapid development of digital technology, new hotspots such as blockchain, metaverse and AIGC are constantly upgrading and replaced. These brand-new technical facts are continually impacting on our real life. However, the contradictory discourse of these phenomena impedes us from embracing the changing world. The boundaries delimiting society from nature, reality from fiction, and artificial intelligence from human intelligence are becoming increasingly blurred. Such has happened over and...