
24 Nov 实践智慧之网 | Panel 4 加密主义 会议介绍与参与方式
主题四 11.22 Panel 4
加密主义 Cryipo-ist
时间:11/22 18:00 – 21:10
房间号:916 3118 3400
– 主题介绍 –
Although to ensure one’s privacy and security on the internet are basic human rights, the monopoly and the algorithmic improvement of social media are now preventing the netizens from seizing back their lost human rights. To help netizens retake online privacy and security needs revolutions on both economy and society. Gladly we found that there are plenty of technologies prepared for this revolution have progressed substantially in the past decade, including public key encryption, end-to-end encryption, zero-knowledge proof, and plenty of software protocols that are used in interactions, authentications and verifications. We are aiming to achieve the ultimate possibilities within the existing social system.
– 演讲时间 –
Dominic Tarr: Let’s Rewrite the Web
Suji Yan: Cyber Labor’s Union Powered by Crypto-ism
高重建:LikeCoin 链:去中心出版基建
Kin Ko: LikeCoin: Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure
Pavol Luptak: Impact of Crypto-anarchy and Sharing Economy
20:00-20:10 Break 茶歇
Frank Braun & Smuggler: The Vision of Cryptoanarchy
Harry Halpin: Pandemos-Cryptography Against Hypercontrol
21:10-22:00 Q&A 问答和讨论
– 讲者与讲题介绍 –
Speakers Bios& Presentation Introductions
多米尼克·塔尔 | Dominic Tarr
Founder of Scuttlebutt

“我是一位休闲娱乐程序员。我主要是作为Scuttlebutt project的创始者和上百个JavaScript模型的写作者为人所知。我现在住在新西兰的一艘小帆船上,每天的任务是修理一切出问题的东西。我觉得简单的事物是最好的,这世界上大部分事物都能以更简单的形式存在。关于Scuttlebutt:Scuttlebutt是一个去中心化的安全Gossip平台。和其他社交平台一样,在这儿你不仅能向你的朋友发送消息,还能把帖子分享到feed上。最酷的是,这里的底层技术允许消息根据点对点(p2p)Gossip协议在用户之间直接传递。作为一个去中心化的社交网络,Scuttlebutt没有任何中央服务器,它的数据是本地化和分布式的,这意味着离线工作也是可行的!另外,Scuttlebutt这个名字来自于“海聊”,即水手和海盗常常喜欢去船上的水冷器边上闲扯。
Scuttlebutt:https://https://scuttlebutt.nz“I am a recreational programmer known for starting the secure scuttlebutt project, and for writing hundreds of JavaScript modules. I live on a sail boat in New Zealand and am on a quest to fix everything. I think it’s best when things are simple, and that most things could be much simpler.About Scuttlebutt:Scuttlebutt is a decentralized secure gossip platform. Like other social platforms, you can send messages to your friends and share posts onto a feed. The cool thing is that the underlying technology here means that messages are passed directly between friends via a peer-to-peer (p2p) gossip protocol. As a decentralized social network, Scuttlebutt passes the data from friend to friend, without any central server. The data is localized and distributed so it also happens to work offline! The name, Scuttlebutt, came from sea-slang for gossip. Basically, like a watercooler on a ship, where sailors and pirates go have a yarn.Scuttlebutt:https://https://scuttlebutt.nz
Dominic Tarr: Let’s Rewrite the Web
The web has been with us nearly 3 decades, and it’s evolved a lot in that time. It’s also grown massively in complexity. In that time, we have learnt a lot. I think we now have enough experience to look back on everything that has happened in computing since the internet began and simplify it down significantly. So, what would it be like if we just started over from scratch right now? I have some ideas and will share these with you.
阎晗 | suji yan
Founder of Dimension.im

阎晗(Suji Yan),Dimension.im 创始人 /CEO。从 UIUC (美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)计算机工程系辍学创业。前 Qdaily & 财新传媒独立记者,前自动驾驶公司工程师;业余和「激进市场」/ RadicalxChange ,Data Law Group 等经济学者、法律学者等合作撰文;曾被连线(Wired)、南华早报、华尔街日报等报道。目前个人主要聚焦在开源,以及加密、隐私保护(公司产品 maskbook.com / Tessercube.com)。
Suji Yan, founder/CEO of Dimension.im. Dropped out of UIUC (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Computer Engineering Department to start a business. Former independent reporter of Qdaily & Caixin Media, former engineer of autonomous driving company; Co-authored articles by amateur and “radical market” / RadicalxChange, Data Law Group and other economists and legal scholars; once published by Wired, South China Morning Post, Wall Street Journal And so on. At present, individuals mainly focus on open source, encryption and privacy protection (company product maskbook.com / Tessercube.com).
Cyber Labor’s Union Powered by Crypto-ism
Abstract: Now we are living in the Cyber Era with more and more data, asset, value and social relashions transferred into the Cyber Space. ‘…the essence of man is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In reality, it is the ensemble of the social relations.’ We are already deeply Cyberized, as long as our way of living, and our labor.
In the industrized society we, the working class, at least have the law of the physical government to protect our fruit of labor (after years of struggling). The workers formed labor unions across the industris and countries to fight for their right. However right now with the further Alienation of labor, seems the working class lose their capability of forming a unbreakable union.
“The universe believes in encryption…Cryptography is the ultimate form of non-violent direct action… strong cryptograhy can resist an unlimited application of violence.”Can Crypo-ism be the magic spell to form an unbreakable union? If so, how can this Cyber Labor’s Union be formed and powered by Crypto-ism? How do we, the potential member of this new unbreakable union, move money, empower fellows, and form a proper governance independent upon this Cyber Space?We will discuss the early attemps by the Crypto-ist and the progress so far, especially with the development of modern cryptography and decentralized web technology. Then we will talk about how can we contribute in this great battle.
一种可以大大提高隐私的强大武器是加密。加密是将一段信息转换成乱码的过程,而转换后的信息无法用不匹配的密钥解码。当涉及到删除权或被遗忘权时,加密数据可能是对用户来说最方便、最有效的方式,因为加密解决了主动备份的问题。例如,如果一个人删除了他在Facebook上发布的某张图片,他可能之后还会在某个第三方网站上看到这张图片,因为Facebook可以将被删除图片的副本保存在其服务器中(无论有意或无意),并且Facebook还可以与第三方共享这些图片。但是,如果用户加密了图片,并在本地保存密钥,Facebook是否保留副本就变得无关紧要,因为在没有密钥的情况下,Facebook根本无法解读这些数据。从本质上讲,加密通过使数据在没有相对应的密钥的情况下无法访问,从而让用户对其数据拥有了完全的控制权。因此,是否删除信息将由用户自行决定,而不是由服务提供商决定。正如密码朋克(Cypherpunk)运动发起人和技术作家、《加密无政府主义宣言》作者蒂莫西·梅(TimothyC.May)在《赛博经济学》一文中所说,加密是对个人来说是一种“先发制人的保护”。尽管有这些优点,加密也有其自身的问题。首先,加密这个概念往往与犯罪分子和恐怖分子联系在一起,因为很多人仍然相信“好人不需要隐私”(Nothing to hide)的谬论:如果你无事可藏,你就无事可惧,这意味着你不必使用加密等隐私保护工具。
高重建 | Kin Ko
Founder of LikeCoin

高重建,港产ICO项目LikeCoin和#decentralizehk的发起人,Creative Commons成员。香港中文大学计算器工程学士、副修社会学、政治及行政;信息科技管理硕士。人文为体,科技为用。于民院教育任教“区块链社会学”,着有《Game以载道》、《区块链社会学》。文章见于《明报》专栏chungkin Express、《苹果日报》专栏#decentralizehk及个人博客: ckxpress.com。
Gao Reconstruction, the initiator of the Hong Kong ICO project LikeCoin and #decentralizehk, and a member of Creative Commons. Bachelor of Computer Engineering, Minor in Sociology, Politics and Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Master of Information Technology Management. Humanities as the body, technology as the use. He teaches “Blockchain Sociology” in Minyuan Education, and is the author of “Game Carrying the Way” and “Blockchain Sociology”. Articles can be found in the “Ming Pao” column chungkin Express, “Apple Daily” column #decentralizehk and personal blog: ckxpress.com.
LikeCoin: Decentralized Publishing Infrastructur
摘要:LikeCoin链:去中心出版基建LikeCoin: Decentralized Publishing Infrastructur摘要:LikeCoin是一个分散的出版基础设施,它通过分散的注册、奖励、编辑和治理来重塑出版业。分布式出版的核心是分布式注册中心,由 ISCN 提供支持。ISCN是我们与业界合作起草的规范。受到书籍ISBN的启发,ISCN是一个独一无二的编号,分配给文章和图像等内容,并附带元数据,如作者、出版商、内容地址、许可条款和创作足迹。存储在 LikeCoin 链上,ISCN是不可变的,并且能够适应审查。另一方面,这些内容被存储在 IPFS 上,用于防篡改和对等分发。
Abstract: LikeCoin is a Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure. It reinvents the publishing industry with decentralized registry, rewards, editorial, and governance.The heart of Decentralized Publishing is decentralized registry powered by ISCN, a specification we drafted in collaboration with the industry. Inspired by ISBN for books, ISCN is a unique number assigned to content such as articles and images, and comes with metadata such as author, publisher, content address, license terms and creation footprint. Stored on LikeCoin chain, ISCN is immutable and censorship resilient. The content, on the other hand, is stored on IPFS for tamper resistance and peer-to-peer distribution.
绝大部分的中文作者,把 decentralize 翻译为「去中心化」。我有个虽不中亦不远矣的准则:但凡「化」字尾的翻译都是破翻译。「去中心化」生硬得让我联想起上世纪的电子词典,把字分为 de-central-ize 几部份,配上机器的读音,然后把 de = 去、central = 中心、ize = 化 逐一对应,中文之美完全欠奉。因此过往在本栏我要不干脆沿用decentralize,要不使用「无大台」,这个于去年反送中发扬光大的港式词汇,喜欢它具生命力、有历史脉络又有画面。「无大台」充分反映粤语灵活多变、由下而上发展的特质。
妖魔当道,历史被窜改,就算失望,不能绝望。《冰与火之歌》的 Night King 一直追杀 Bran Stark,因为他知道人类历史,杀掉他等于焚书坑儒。生活在科技发达的现代,虽然还没发展出无大台真相,但至少存在分布式真相;愿意求真的我们,每一个都是 Bran Stark。They can’t kill us all。
——《无大台真相:They can’t kill us all》
——《You are what you spend》
帕沃尔·卢普塔克 | Pavol Luptak

Pavol Luptak是一个加密无政府主义者和自愿主义者,专注于技术和社会黑客入侵。他以计算机黑客的身份开始他的职业生涯,并获得了许多著名的IT安全认证。2007年,他成立了IT安全公司Nethemba,专注于渗透测试和白帽黑客,几年后,他联合成立了一家bug赏金公司Hacktrophy。他负责了许多公共安全项目(如破解最常用的Mifare Classic卡,黑客攻击公共交通/停车票短信,黑客攻击e-Kasa)。
作为一名黑客爱好者,他是布拉迪斯拉发的Progressbar黑客空间的共同创办者,以及布拉格和布拉迪斯拉发的Parallel Polis(布拉格的黑客空间)的创办者,他负责组织国际加密无政府主义会议,专注于加密解放技术。
随着Parallel Polis的发展,Pavol决定实现他的愿景–完全退出系统。由于全球性和灵活性,他决定放弃自己的永久居留权,从银行账户转为加密货币,开始使用全球医疗和手机公司,成为一个全球公民。
Pavol Luptak is a cryptoanarchist and voluntaryist focused on technology and society hacking. He started his career as a computer hacker with many prestigious IT security certifications. In 2007 he founded IT security company Nethemba focused on penetration tests & ethical hacking, few years after, he co-founded a bug bounty company Hacktrophy. He is responsible for many public security projects (e.g. cracking of the most used Mifare Classic cards, hacking of public SMS transport/parking tickets, hack of e-Kasa).
As a hacker enthusiast, he co-founded Progressbar hackerspace in Bratislava and Parallel Polis in Prague and Bratislava (hackerspaces in Prague where he is responsible for organizing the international cryptoanarchist conference focused on crypto liberation technologies.
In addition to technologies, Pavol loves contemporary art as well. He became a member of the famous Czech contemporary art group Ztohoven which is responsible for many hacktivist contemporary ‘media sculpture’ projects and started with his friend the digital art company Satori.
With the development of Parallel Polis, Pavol decided to achieve his vision – completely opt-out of the system. Thanks to globality and flexibility he decided to give up his permanent residency, switched from bank accounts to crypto-currencies, started to use global health care and mobile phone companies, becoming a global citizen.
Impact of crypto-anarchy and sharing economy
关键词: 加密无政府 未来预测 密码空间
ABSTRACT:The lecture describes the current as well as predicted impacts of crypto-anarchism and the shared economy on the future of human society. Where have we moved from now on, and where do we head over the next few year?
KEYWORDS:crypto crypto-anarchy future predictions cypherspace cipherspace
弗兰克·博朗 &乔纳森·洛根
Frank Braun & Smuggler
Cypherpunk Bitstream的共同主持人
Co-host of Cypherpunk Bitstream

Jonathan Logan (aka smuggler)
乔纳森·洛根(又名走私者),思考中的密码无政府主义者,编码中的密码朋克,战略安全顾问。他成为密码无政府主义者已有20年。匿名邮件和暗网视频群聊的运营商。《Second Realm – Book on Strategy》、《The Treasure that is Privacy》、 《Aristocracy of Action》作者。隐私极端主义者和加密绝对主义者。程序员,网络管理员。秘密通信专家。研究了古典音乐,计算机科学,经济学和哲学。Cypherpunk Bitstream的共同主持人,柏林的TAZ 0的共同创始人。
Thinking cryptoanarchist, coding cypherpunk, strategic securityconsultant.Cryptoanarchist for 20 years. An operator of anonymous remailers and darknet hangouts. Author (Second Realm – Book on Strategy, The Treasure that is Privacy, Aristocracy of Action). Privacy extremist and crypto absolutist. Coder, admin, network cuddler. Covert communications specialist. Studied classical music, computer science, economomics, and philosophy. Co-host of Cypherpunk Bitstream, co-founder of TAZ 0 in Berlin.website:https://opaque.link/

Frank Braun
弗兰克·布劳恩,Cypherpunk,密码无政府主义者,Cypherpunk Bitstream的共同主持人,柏林TAZ 0的共同创始人。他对可以在我们的一生中带来更多个人自由的技术感兴趣。计算机科学的学术背景。喜欢用C,Go和Erlang进行编码。
Frank Braun, Cypherpunk, cryptoanarchist, co-host of Cypherpunk Bitstream, co-founder of TAZ 0 in Berlin. He is interested in technologies that can lead to more personal freedoms in our lifetimes. Academic background in computer science. Likes to code in C, Go, and Erlang.
The Vision of Cryptoanarchy
Abstract: We present the ideology of crypto-anarchy with some relevant history.What is the technological basis for crypto-anarchy and how would the world look like if crypto-anarchy becomes prominent? We develop two conflicting visions of the future: One in which no society exists anymore, just a technological system (what many blockchain enthusiasts seem to favor). And one in which many different impenetrable gardens exists in parallel where societies can develop and prosper, without spill over and outside influence (the vision of crypto-anarchy). We touch on the role of knowledge vs. identity and give some open questions for a crypto-anarchistic world.
——“Iran, Hong Kong, India: Failed Protests Point to Need for Crypto-Anarchy ‘Second Realms”
——“Why Cryptoanarchy is Not a Revolutionary Movement”
——“Cypherpunk Bitstream Hosts Talk Crypto-Anarchy, Dropgangs, and Importance of Real Life Connections”
哈里·哈尔平 |Harry Halpin
Nym Technologies首席执行官

哈里·哈尔平是Inria de Paris的客座研究员,负责NEXTLEAP项目和麻省理工学院社会技术系统研究中心的研究科学家,研究区块链技术。他对数据科学、密码学、行业标准和网络哲学感兴趣,并且是全方位激进的开放Internet倡导者。
哈尔平曾是万维网联盟/自动化研究院(W3C/INRIA)的研究员,他带队研究未来网络哲学、分散式认知、安全和密码学。与蒂姆·伯纳斯 – 李在万维网联盟共事时,他开创了网络加密API来协调跨浏览器的加密操作,开创了网络身份验证API从而淘汰了密码输入。最近在自动化研究院他协助欧盟的“下一跳(NEXTLEAP)”计划,该计划旨在发展下一代的加密协议。他在爱丁堡大学获得信息学博士,在安迪克拉克指导下完成论文,现已出版《社交语义学》,在斯蒂格勒指导下进行博士后的哲学工作,与亚历山大 · 莫宁(Alexandre Monnin)一同编撰“哲学工程学”文集。他正在撰写一本关于全球资本主义崩解的时代背景下网络集体智慧的哲学基础的著作。哈里 · 哈尔平的作品是计算机科学、哲学和伦理学的独特融合。在 W3C 标准化数字版权管理(DRM)之后,他辞去了之前在 W3C 万维网联盟的工作。哈里是开放和不受限制的网络和强大的用户隐私的强烈倡导者。他最新的项目名NYM,旨在引入一种混合网络协议与块环链激励的可持续性。
Harry Halpin is a visiting researcher at Inria de Paris where I lead the NEXTLEAP project and Research Scientist at the Sociotechnical Systems Research Center at MIT on blockchain technology. He is interested in data science, cryptography, standards, and the philosophy of the web ,and is an all-around radical open internet advocate.
Harry Halpin was a research scientist at W3C/INRIA, where leads research on the future of the philosophy of the Web, distributed cognition, security, and cryptography. Working with H Berners-Lee at the W3C, he has created the Web Cryptography API to harmonize cryptography across browsers and the Web Authentication API to phase out passwords. Currently at INRIA, he co-ordinates the European Commission project NEXTLEAP (https://nextleap.eu/) on developing next-generation cryptographic protocols. He has a Ph.D. in Informatics from University of Edinburgh under Andy Clark and his thesis has been published as the book “Social Semantics” and work on philosophy with Bernard Stiegler for his postdoctoral work, leading to the edited collection “Philosophical Engineering” with Alexandre Monnin. He is working on a book on the philosophical foundations of Internet-enabled collective intelligence in the era of the collapse of global capitalism. Harry Halpin’s work is a unique blend of computer science, philosophy and ethics. Previously working at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), he resigned after the W3C standards body standardized the Digital Rights Management (DRM). Harry is a strong advocate of open and unrestricted web and strong user privacy. His latest project is called NYM, which aims to introduce a mix network protocol with blockchain-enabled incentivization for sustainability.
Pandemos-Cryptography against Hypercontrol
摘要:随着2019冠状病毒疾病的到来,美利坚帝国不可避免的崩溃似乎已成定局。然而,任何未来的前景似乎都是封闭的。特朗普和西方的失败关系重大,不仅仅是古典意义上帝国的耻辱,这是一个文化、心理和最终生物控制的领域。即使到了最后,美国军方的无限暴力威胁对世界上的大多数人来说也不再可信。更重要的是,控制论系统,最初由德勒兹提出的理论是一个控制社会,现在已经过渡到一种新的“超级控制”形式,由于212019冠状病毒疾病的影响,所有的社会生活都被纳入了一个数字整体,甚至包括生活的一部分,从政府到最敌视数字化的大学。这个超控制的控制论系统也许同时是欧洲形而上学的顶点和最终形式,正如理性进入计算的自动化所证明的那样,一个被海德格尔部分理解但被他的门徒莱纳 · 舒尔曼历史化的轨迹。然而,过度控制是一只“纸老虎”,在欧洲和美国都是失败的,无法阻止这种流行病的蔓延。还有其他选择吗?仅仅在10多年前,就在金融化尝试采取本体论形式和个人思维的认知限制被算法的认知不透明所揭示的那一刻,一个被称为比特币的新破坏性创新出现在互联网上,作为匿名中本聪的作品。似乎一种全新的外星技术是匿名降落在地球上的,其形而上学的定位可能与控制论不同。现在比以往任何时候都更需要的是作为无产阶级化社会工具的独立技术,以及作为人类潜能延伸的技术,中本聪的比特币将是我们的指导性范例。正如无形委员会和贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒所做的那样,许多欧洲最优秀的哲学家已经认识到技术和工艺之间的区别,但是区块链技术展示了没有超级控制的工艺的潜力。在西方世界的尽头,在一个没有指导原则的世界里,密码术能成为一种前进的方式吗?通过区块链技术的历史从混合网到工作证明提供了一个证明,真正的形而上学的工作今天已经采取技术的肉体,与区块链技术假定不仅作为一个替代的金融基础设施,但作为技术继承者的政治统治硅谷。虽然无政府主义没有学术书籍,也没有很多学术哲学分析方法,但无政府主义是21世纪唯一真正的新哲学时刻,因此值得仔细关注。实际上,密码无政府主义者试图通过加密技术的束缚来捆绑数字化尝试,这种尝试可能会为面临崩溃的 Europea 世界秩序提供所需的开放视野,并提供一种去中心化的替代方案的轮廓。随着瘟疫将罗马帝国推向一个千禧年的时代,逃到修道院来躲避即将到来的崩溃的不是那些没用的、智力有缺陷的人,而是罗马培养出来的最优秀、最聪明的人。同样,密码无政府主义者正在西方建造最后的技术空间。有两个问题。首先,由于密码无政府主义者是一个少数民族运动,这些技术可以作为革命性的技术为所有人使用吗?因为大流行病是人人都会感染的。最后,随着美国处于内战的边缘,全球金融体系面临危机,欧洲形而上学揭示了自己处于一种老年偏执狂的状态,新的无政府主义者时刻对于中国这个人类文明的另一个伟大轴心意味着什么?
ABSTRACT:With the advent of COVID-19, the inevitable collapse of the American empire seems assured. Yet any future horizon seems closed. What is at stake in Trump and the failure of the West is not just the discredit of an empire in a classical sense, a domain of cultural, psychological, and ultimately biological control. Even in the final instance, the threat of infinite violence by the American military no longer seems credible to large amounts of the world. What is more important is that cybernetic systems, originally theorized by Deleuze as a society of control, has passed to a new form of “hypercontrol” where all of social life has been subsumed into a digital totality due to COVID-19, including even parts of life ranging from governments to universities that were the most hostile to digitization. This cybernetic system of hypercontrol is perhaps simultaneously both the apex and final form of European metaphysics, as documented by the automatization of reason into calculation, a trajectory comprehended partially by Heidegger but historicized by his protege Reiner Schürmann.Yet hypercontrol is a “paper tiger” that has been a failure in Europe and the United States, incapable of halting the pandemic. Are there any alternatives? Only slightly more than a decade earlier, at the very moment that financialization attempts to take an ontological form and the epistemological limits of the individual mind were revealed by the cognitive opacity of algorithms, a new disruptive technology known as Bitcoin appeared on the internet as the work of the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. It seems as if an entirely new and alien technology was anonymously dropped upon the earth, with a possibly different metaphysical orientation than cybernetics. What is needed more than ever is separate technology as a social apparatus of proletarianization from technics as extensions of human potential, and Nakamoto’s Bitcoin will be our guiding example. As done by the Invisible Committee and Bernard Stiegler, many of the best philosophers of Europe have recognized the difference between technology and technics, but it is blockchain technology that shows the potential of technics without hypercontrol. At the end of the West, could cryptography be a way forward in a world without a guiding principle? Walking through the history of blockchain technologies from mixnets to proof of work provides a demonstration that the true metaphysical work today has taken technical flesh, with blockchain technologies posited not just as an alternative financial infrastructure, but as the technical successor to the political domination of Silicon Valley. Although cryptoanarchism does not have scholarly books or much in the way of academic philosophical analysis, cryptoanarchism is the only genuinely new philosophical moment of the 21st century, and as such deserves careful attention.In practical terms, the attempt by cryptoanarchists to bind the digital attempt via the shackles of cryptography may provide the open horizon needed by a Europea world order that is facing collapse, and provide the outline of a decentralized alternative. As plagues brought the Roman empire to an millenia, it was not the useless and mentally deficient people that fled to the monasteries to escape the impending collapse, but the best and most intelligent people produced by Rome. In the same manner, cryptoanarchists are building the final technical spaces in the West. There are two questions. First, as cryptoanarchists are a minotarian movement, can these technics be used as revolutionary techniques for all people? For the pandemic adheres to all people. Lastly, with the United States on the verge of civil war, the global financial system facing crisis, and European metaphysics revealing itself to be in a state of senile paranoia, what does the new cryptoanarchist moment mean for China, the other great axis of human civilization?
Panel 4 Zoom会议室
房间号:916 3118 3400
时间:18:00 – 21:10

The 5th Annual Conference: The Web of Phronesis