20 Nov 实践智慧之网 | 青年学者论坛&Panel 2:网际网络档案馆的讲题及时间表
主题二 <11.20> Panel 2
网际网络档案馆 Internet Archive
– 概要 –
The truths filted by the narratives of history could always be footnotes to the facts. They are quarantined by the reality of the time. Since the establishment of the Internet Archive in 1996, information generated by the Internet has far exceeded the total amount of human history. Today, digitized files and metadata records have become the main issue of art museums and galleries. Under this circumstance, to preserve, to record and to file human civilization are critical challenges to technicalize and to externalize human history.
The ‘archive’ is accumulation of documents catalogued by authorities. Under this circumstance, it is the method to catalogue, operated by archivists, made up the narrative of human history.
The automatic digital archives save the hiddened and the deleted to photoelectric media. Under this circumstance, human civilization resist the absence, the ideologies and bias on cultures can do nothing to question the recorded truths, which means people have no power are not allowed to correct or even to simply write a history. The shared root of Modernology and archeology found that there is no authorities presently but only searching algorithm and the metadata in our age. It seems like we are living in a time without archivist.
– 时间安排 –
青年学者论坛:11月20日9:40 – 18:00
Panel 2 :11月20日19:30 – 21:30
开幕演出 | 9:40-10:00
管怀宾院长 | 10:00-10:15 开场致辞
顾紫翚 | 10:15-10:35历史之镜:那些关于互联网的梦
邱莫凡 | 10:35-10:55
魏梦雪 | 10:55-11:15
阮琨| 11:15-11:35
11:35-12:05 讨论
王子云 | 13:30-13:50
潘雨希 | 13:50-14:10
温璧伊 | 14:10-14:30
于博柔,闵嘉剑,王泽宇 | 14:30-14:50
14:50-15:20 讨论
李欣禹 | 15:30-15:50
范璐璐 | 15:50-16:10
毕昕&姚翔 | 16:10-16:30
于潍颖 |16:30-16:50
宋婷 | 16:50-17:10
17:10-17:50 讨论
17:50 – 18:50 总结
Panel 2 网际网络档案馆时间表
周蓬岸 | 19:30-20:00
山姆·威廉姆斯 | 20:00-20:30
林亦凌 | 20:30-21:30
Introduction of Keynote Speakers & Presentation Topics
互联网档案库的存在给了我们得以进入历史对照的场域,与当下的互联网栖息地进行不断地辩证价值交换。人类将记忆体外化并自动化的过程里,加速了人类当下所有人的数字轨迹与程式原始码的保存的渴望,我们在数字化平台上产生的大量数字信息,已经成为人类历史和文化的一部分,但相比纸张上的“硬拷贝”数字信息更容易失效,这一方面是由于存储介质本身受损失效导致的,而另一方面则是由于技术退化——用以操作这些数据信息的设施及方法随着技术更替而流失导致,这也催生了新的学科“数字保存”(Digital Preservation),致力于保存数字信息,并使其长期可用,而复古计算则是重建、修复操作这些数字信息的重要手段。
在研究西方复古计算社区时,蓬岸常被问到其中最具启发的议题是什么,他的回答是在西方复古计算社群里,复古计算首先是个文化议题,接下来是教育议题,最后才是一个技术议题。西方参与复古计算社群的人们大多并非技术背景出身,诸多来自人文科学领域,历史学家、艺术家、人类学家,顺着这些人的著作了解其领域,背后是中文本土世界前所未见、异常丰富的文化研究背景。对于研究当代文化、新媒体和现代史的研究者来说,复古计算是常用的“实验考古学”(Experimental archaeology)手段,通过在古董电脑设备上重建某些特定的软、硬件,我们更可以生动而贴切的了解当时的环境下人们解决计算机问题的方式和思维过程。
著名的国际网络档案馆Internet Archive就依托于Arweave,Internet Archive是一个非营利性图书馆,包含数百万本免费书籍,电影,软件,音乐,网站等,在远古数据无处安放的时刻成为一处“网路信息庇护所”。Arweave充满热情的创始人Sam Williams在实现和交付人们喜欢的软件方面积累了丰富的经验,这也是他在不大的年纪却拥有漫长编程历史的原因。
Arweave 原名 Archain,通过区块链的方式实现,文件存在每一个区块上。Arweave 看起来像普通的网络,但是其所有内容(从图像到完整的Web应用程序)都是永久的,可以快速检索,且可以分散。就像第一个网络将人们连接到很远的地方一样,永久网络可以在很长的时间内连接人们。
Arweave的数据结构更像一张网,而不是一条链。其全新的共识方式 Proof of Access,做法是每次出新区块的时候必须同时验证一个以前的区块。这个以前的区块数随机产生,只有拥有随机区块的节点才能进行 PoW 出块。由于存储有成本,随着数据的指数级增长,不可能每个节点都能保存所有区块。随机区块的存在可以调节每个节点所保存的数据量,达到数据的均衡分布,实现真正的去中心化的存储,没有更多的404。没有更多的隐形编辑,不再有质量下降的网络应用。
千禧年后,中国当代艺术市场繁荣,而其艺术档案建设以及话语书写却没有跟上。亚洲艺术文献库(Asia Art Achive)由此产生,这个位于香港的艺术基金组织建立了亚洲艺术文献库进行数位典藏,通过研究项目、公共计划、文献出版来回应中国当代艺术领域的变化。在中国计划中,亚洲艺术文献库对活跃在80年代的艺术家进行了超过100次的口述采访,艺术家也通过采访分享个人档案,档案又被数字化上传网站,在线分享。
亚洲艺术文献库的网络档案分为两部分:一是online catalogue,这一部分以出版物图书为主,用户可通过关键词搜索,来得到相关图书的内容简介、文章目录等基本信息;另一是primary materials,这一部分以原始文献为主,用户可查阅相关电子照片、手稿。
(文/ 杨弘毅,蒋雨航,陈俞如)
周蓬岸 | Zhou Pengan

周蓬岸,软件工程师,复古计算机 (Retrocomputing) 及相关文化现象的研究者和传播者。学生时代曾活跃于中文个人数字助理(PDA)用户社群。2009年移居加拿大,曾多次参与当地的创业项目并由此接触到复古计算、Demoscene、芯片音乐等科技文化社群,2016年以知乎专栏“古董电脑室”的形式成为中国第一个介绍相关内容的自媒体,通过写作、翻译和线上内容的创作,促进中国科技文化社区与世界的连接。2018年开设“网页里的电脑博物馆”,成为中文世界第一个在线交互式电脑博物馆。
Zhou Peng’an, Dr.Quest, is a software engineer, researcher, disseminator of Retrocomputing, and related cultural phenomena. He was active in the Chinese personal digital assistant (PDA) user community when he was a student. He moved to Canada in 2009 and has been participated in many local entrepreneurial projects, thus come into contact with scientific-technological cultural communities such as retro computing, Demoscene, and Chiptune. In 2016, he became the first person to introduce related content in the form of the “Antique Computer Room” in the Zhihu column. through the creation of writing, translation, and online content, promotes the connection between Chinese scientific and technological cultural communities and the world. In 2018, the “dnbwg” was opened, becoming the first online interactive computer museum in the Chinese language world.
Bringing Digital Experiences of Historical Value Back to Chinese Communities – A Report About Computer Museum in Web
摘要:从2018年的9月开始,网页里的电脑博物馆已经上线运营超过两年。该项目不仅是中文世界里为数不多的讨论计算机历史和复古计算(Retro computing)的网站之一,也是此类中文网站中覆盖主题最广、用户体验最丰富的一个。
Abstract: Starting from September 2018, the computer museum on the web has been online for more than two years. This project is not only one of the few websites in the Chinese world that discuss computer history and retro computing, but it is also one of the Chinese websites with the widest coverage of topics and the richest user experience.
In this report, I will introduce to the audience in detail the formation process of the “Computer Museum on the Web” idea, including the inspiration from retro computing, Demoscene, and open source communities, as well as the current academic field’s intersection with related communities.
This report will sort out and introduce the current status and problems of the Chinese retro computing community: including the fragmented community, the lack of international communication, the profit-seeking tendency brought by antique investment, and the gap between new and old players. And the attempts and efforts to improve these problems.
This report will also introduce the design goals and technical features of the computer museum on the web. This website hopes to display important historical computing experiences based on personal computers. It also hopes to showcase the efforts made by retro computing enthusiasts around the world to preserve these experiences. Therefore, it does not pursue a unified operating experience but integrates multiple Different simulator architectures. At the same time, the cloud-native architecture it uses minimizes operating costs.
The computer museum on the web not only displays the existing achievements of the retro computing community, but also carries out a series of original development projects to preserve China’s local computer culture, including TomPDA transaction history query, Chinese Linux for the millennium, and Yinghai The restoration of the Weishikong experience and the Internet reproduction of the CFido Paradise Information Station. This report will also use specific practical projects to show the tools and technical challenges that may be used when organizing and restoring the digital experience.
Keywords: digital preservation;platform studies;digital museum;digital archaeology;web development.
山姆·威廉姆斯 | Sam Williams
Arweave 联合创始人兼首席执行官

Sam Williams 是 Arweave 的联合创始人兼首席执行官,去中心化爱好者。Sam在分散式系统设计和实施方面具有丰富的经验,曾交付过各种项目,包括分布式操作系统。他非常年轻时就开始构建软件,擅长 Erlang 及操作系统的开发,曾任职于Minespider、Loki基金会。
Sam Williams is the co-founder and CEO of Arweave and a decentralization enthusiast. Sam has extensive experience in the design and implementation of distributed systems and has delivered a variety of projects, including distributed operating systems. He started building software at a very young age, specializing in Erlang and operating system development, and has worked at Minespider, Loki Foundation.
Building a web that never forgets.
摘要:在这个演讲中,我们将讨论社会对一个永远不会忘记、无法篡改的知识和历史存储的需求。在概述了这种设备的必要性之后,我们将描述 Arweave 解决相关问题的方法:通过点对点网络技术和机制设计来实现。最后,我们将讨论现实世界中的例子,说明 Arweave 是如何被用来减轻审查制度,并确保可以访问历史上已经不可改变的记录。
Abstract: In this talk we will discuss the societal needs for a store of knowledge and history that never forgets, and cannot be tampered with. After outlining the necessity for such a device, we will describe Arweave’s approach to solving the associated problems: through peer to peer networking technology and mechanism design. Finally, we will discuss real world examples of how the Arweave is being used to mitigate censorship, and ensure access to an immutable record of history, already.
林亦凌| Elaine Lin
香港亚洲艺术文献库AAA 数位典藏负责人

Elaine Lin joined Asia Art Archive (AAA) in 2012 and over the years developed and managed numerous archival initiatives in the region, examples include the personal archives of Li Xianting, Roberto Chabet, Ha Bik Chuen, and Zubeida Agha. She has also led the collection development of the organisation, and in 2019 established the collection of zines and independent initiatives files in AAA. Lin received training in art history and arts and cultural administration in University College London, School of Oriental and African Studies, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Kaleidoscopic Contemporary: Asia Art Archive’s Collections
Abstract: Since its establishment in 2000, Asia Art Archive (AAA) proposes ‘archive as method’ to illustrate the ways in which initiatives are taking archives to counter, complicate, and reimagine systems in which narratives of modern and contemporary art are being produced, circulated and understood. If archive is a method, what methodologies can one adopt to tease out these multiple narratives amidst the pool of data and memories? How can archives be generative? This presentation will prompt these questions with case studies from AAA Collections.
会议号:936 1859 8939
时间:10:00 – 18:00
Panel2 ZOOM会议室
会议号:920 6598 8622
时间:19:30 -21:30
上海极粟信息科技有限公司dWeb Shanghai