24 Sep Inter-World-View2019 全球召集令


而这个超常规的共在时空,将以一场“Interview the World”的活动作为最高潮。

2019年11月9、10号由许煜组织的关于利奥塔《后现代状况》发表40年的研讨会“Symposium: Postmoderns and After?”。与会嘉宾包括:贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒,菲利奥普·佩雷诺,萨拉·威尔森,艾希利·伍德沃德,东浩纪,李洋。研讨会将置入美术馆情境中展开。
11月22-24日是由中国美术学院网络社会研究所组织的第四届网络社会年会“网民21:超越个人帐户”(Netizen 21: Beyond personal account)。
招募公告 Open call for participants of Inter-World-View 2019
承办:视觉中国协同创新中心 展示文化研究中心
《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》 第十一条,1845
Open Call for Inter-World-View2019

Inter-World-View is an annual project initiated by the Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thought (ICAST) of China Academy of Art. It was first launched in 2019 and now is open for public application.
Inter-World-View, is an interaction between “Worldview“, and also an “Interview” of the World and Worldview.
We wish to invite 10 to 20 groups of young people from all over the world, who have unique “worldviews” on question conciousness, work mode, creation method, and lifestyle. During 10 days in Hangzhou participants can meet, exhibit, debate, work, live and connect with each other in order to establish a profound communication for long-term cooperation in the future.
IWV project is not limited in the narrow aspects of the Art world, but seeking to connect diverse groups of people: philosophers, writers, curators, architects, artists, designers, programmers, scientists, engineers, musicians, etc. In particular, we are looking forward to meet specialists who are able to go beyond the fragmentation of professions and fields in order to enter metaphysical dimensions with transcendental thinking and desire to “Change the World”.
IWV attempts to explore worldviews of whole life and work, including techniques like “how to live together”, thus it is not orienting towards the particular creator, who works as an individual (although we absolutely DO NOT deny achievements of individuals). For us, groups of any size own their unique worldviews. It has begun its “universalization” process (even if puny, only among a few people), and at the same time, it is tied up with geographical location. From this perspective, group mode is quite different from two extreme social existence pattens prevailing today: one is increasingly monotonized, self-closed, nomadic, divergent individuals (typically represented by freelance artists) and the other is highly organized, homogenized, presenting in Avatars and all pervasive collectives (typically multinational companies).
From 11th to the 20th of November participators from various continents and different “worlds” will “occupy” and arrange their own spaces. Every day there will be one team invited to present or perform their own “work” (not just “artworks”) in CAA Art Museum, while the rest will be their audiences, facilitators and commentators. Speakers will be on duty by turn. Each group can choose their own venue in advance: from the open area on the side of the road or the hall that is over 12 meters high, to the basement of the original printmaking studio. In expectations, we will be able to escape the traditional “opening” procedure in IWV. This project can be a combination of exhibitions, forums, performances and workshops; or none of them, just merely a “communication” itself. The process of communication generates the live scene.
At the same time we would like to try a new working approach: we wish our participating groups to become a “work team” for the entire project: exhibition curatior, space designer, poster editor and even chefs, etc. ——The Butcher in the Master of Regimen by Zhuangzi said: “Tao, is what I favor the most.“
In this hypernormal “con-temporary” time and space, the culmination of our project will be “Interview the World” event.
At the end of the project, ICAST, as the project initiator, will invite all participating groups to propose their future works and provide support and promotion. The curation of IWV has a continuous vein from “Zhijiang International Youth Art Week 2019”. The 1st Youth Art Week in 2019, with its central proposition of “Game/Play, Science-Fiction, Commune” is a huge festival while more than 3000 artists involved in.
IWV 2019
will be accompanied with a series of parallel events:
On November 9th and 20th, 2019, there will be a seminar on the theme of “Symposium: Postmoderns and After?” organized by Yuk Hui about Lyotard’s the “Condition of Postmodernity” after its 40 years publication;
From November 22 to November 24, there will be held the 4th Annual Conference of Network Society “Netizen 21: Beyond personal account” organized by the Institute of Network Society of China Academy of Art.
At the same time, the 2019 Summit of Art Academy Alliance of Europe (Elia) (www.elia-artschools.org) will be held at the China Academy of Art. On the afternoon of November 20th, 100 principals from academies of fine arts from all over the world will come and visit, and we also expect these educators from different countries will deliver their experiences in the event after returning to their respective countries and institutions.
Open call for participants of Inter-World-View 2019
IWV Time:2019.11.11-11.20
IWV Address:CAA Art Museum, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
IWV Subject:Open selection based on the connection with the topic of“Inter-World-View” project. Groups with unique “worldview”, no limitation in the field of professional interest.
Deadline for applications:3.10.2019
E-mail for applications:interworldview@caa.edu.cn
(please, specify the subject line in this format “Application+ Inter-World-View”)
Submission should include:
1.Introduction of the team and core stuff
2.Graphic and video materials of the previous projects
3.Short description of the area you are located in
4.Please confirm the dates you are planning to participate in IWV.
5.List one or several reference materials that are critical to your work: articles, books, archives, works, theory etc.
1.We will cover the cost of transportation, accommodation, exhibition placement, catering and other expenses for group guests. The main duration of the project activities listed above (November 11th -20th ). If preferred, participants are welcome to apply in advance to extend their stay.
2.If You have any questions, please, contact us via e-mail.
Initiator:China Academy of Art
Organiser: Visual China Research Center
Co-organiser: CAA Art Museum
Curator: Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thought
“The phililosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways,the point however is to change it.”
Karl Marx
These on Feuerbach, 1845