24 Sep 跨媒体艺术学院
媒体艺术学院,成立于 2010 年 9 月,其宗旨在于:促进媒体技术开发,推动当代艺术实验,从媒体中发掘创意,从技术中发显人文;以媒体实验、艺术创作、文化研究、策展实践四维互动的教育格局,在国际平台上推动当代艺术的跨学科研究和跨领域实践。
学院直面当代媒介技术变革与文化语境变迁,应对世界视觉文化的发展势态和创意文化的发展需求,涵盖实验影像、虚拟现实、互动装置、多媒体展演、图像与视觉文化研究、复合造型与观念研究、空间多媒体与社会学研究等多个专业领域,曾被美国《亚太艺术杂志》评为 ” 亚洲最值得期待的当代艺术教育机构 “。
2015 年,学院以新媒体艺术、综合艺术与艺术策划三个专业领域为基础,创立跨媒体艺术专业(专业代码:130408TK),努力培养掌握新媒体技术、具有实验精神以及跨界整合能力和媒体创意能力的复合型艺术实践人才。一方面,强调媒体实验与创作实践的共生互动,提供最前沿的新媒体艺术创作与媒体技术训练;另一方面,强调社会思想与艺术策划的智识培养,注重媒体手段与思想方法的综合训练。

自成立以来,跨媒体艺术学院以 ” 内外打通、多层联动、国际协作 ” 为基本思路,着力打造一个线上线下、教学实践即时互动的 ” 超链接 ” 的教学模式,一个课程更新与专业拓展、媒体实验和创意实践一体化的教育系统,以及一个学院内外、国内国际双向打通的 ” 超学院 ” 结构。
学院持续推动艺术与科学的跨界研究,在跨学科、跨领域的基础上,突破固有的美术学学科格局,改造当代艺术的表现形态与教育模式;并以 ” 充分国际化、深度社会化 ” 为导向,建设多领域渗透、跨专业互动的学术体系,持续探索新兴媒体艺术的中国特色发展之路。

学院曾组织、策划了”巡回排演:第八届上海双年展”、” 重新发电:第九届上海双年展 “、” 西岸·2013 建筑与当代艺术双年展 “、” 偏好:中国现代艺术史中的 100 件艺术物 “、” 太平广记 “、” 林泉:书画与造园 ” 等国际性艺术大展,创建了 “CAA 国际跨媒体艺术节 “、” 杭州声纳多媒体艺术现场 ” 系列、” 杭州文艺骇客松 ” 等国际性重要展演平台和 ” 艺术 – 科学” 跨界实践平台,发起了 ” 感受力——中国媒体艺术教育论坛 ” 和 ” 网络社会年会 ” 等全国性当代艺术教育和研究论坛。同时,与香港科技大学(” 夏季学院” 联合授课项目)、香港城市大学创意媒体学院(定向交换生计划)、苏黎世艺术大学(” 跨文化 MFA”联合硕士培养计划)等建立了长期性教学合作关系。
目前,跨媒体艺术学院包含 3 个系科、5 个研究所、8 个实验室以及 1 个国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心(跨媒体艺术虚拟仿真实验教学中心)和 1 个省级示范实验教学中心(跨媒体艺术实验教学中心),拥有专业藏书及影音资料 3 千余册以及价值 2000多万元的实验与研创设备,形成了一个多层次、跨学科的当代艺术教学系统和一个当代艺术、视觉文化互动共生的学术平台。并且,建成了由中国新媒体艺术的先行者与领军者、国内最著名的策展人与艺术理论家、当代艺术界的学术权威和新锐学者以及诸多深谙媒体艺术的知名艺术家组成的具有国际水平的创新型教研团队。其中,包括在编教师 14 人(含教授 4 人,副教授 5 人,具海外留学背景的教师 4 人,具有博士学位的教师 4 人,具有硕士学位教师 7 人),常聘客座教授 20 人,国际访问教授每年度 5 人,实验师 5 人,并与十余位当代艺术界 的知名艺术家和媒体工程师保持了长期合作关系。
闵罕 副教授

School of Intermedia Art (SIMA) was founded September 2010. Its goals include but are not limited to the following: to facilitate the development of media technology and to push forward contemporary art experiments, while to discover creativity in media and showcase humanity within technology; by using the four-dimensional interactive educational system consists of media experiment, artistic creation, cultural research and curatorship practices, we aim to promote interdisciplinary research and practices of contemporary art on international platforms.
SIMA faces the revolution of contemporary media technology and the transition of cultural context, while it manages to lead the developmental trends of the world’s visual art culture and to meet the developmental demands of creative culture. It covers multiple professional fields such as experimental video, virtual reality, interactive devices, multimedia scenography, image and visual culture studies, complex modeling and conceptual studies, spatial multimedia art and sociological studies. Asia Pacific Art once rated SIMA as “the most promising contemporary art educational facility of Asia”.
In 2015, SIMA started intermedia art major based on the three professional areas of new media, integrated arts and curatorship (course code 130408TK). Intermedia art major is designated to cultivate talented individuals who are qualified in the practices of new media technology, experimentation, interdisciplinary and media creativity. This course emphasizes on the interaction of media experimentation and artistic creation while providing state-of-the-art training programs on new media artistic creation and media technology. On the other hand, such course focuses significantly on the knowledge of social ideological and curatorship as well as the comprehensive training on media tools and thinking methods.
Ever since its establishment, SIMA follows the basic idea of “internal-to-external penetration, multi-layered interconnection and international cooperation”. Upon such idea does SIMA build a teaching model that enables a “hyper-link” interaction of teaching and practice, both online and offline. On a systematic level, SIMA aimed to integrate curriculum renewal, professional development, media experiment and creative practices. Moreover, it intends to construct a “hyper-institutional” structure that interlinks the department, the academy, the national platforms and the international fields alike.
SIMA has continuously pushed forward the cross-subject studies of arts and sciences by breaking the pre-existing predicament of artistic studies and transforming the manifestation of contemporary art and its teaching methods. With the motto “adequate internationalization and profound socialization”, SIMA builds an interdisciplinary academic system that continuously explores the future development of new media art with Chinese characteristics. SIMA has curated a number of international art exhibitions such as the 8th and 9th Shanghai Biennial, “West Bund 2013: A Biennial of Architecture and Contemporary Art”, “Hanart 100 Idiosyncrasies: A Special Selection” and “Tales from the Taiping Era”. SIMA has also created international platforms such as CAA international Intermedia Art Festival, Sonart Multimedia Art Festival and China Art Hackathon. It has also hosted several national forums, including “Art- Science Interdisciplinary Platform”, Sensitivity Forum and Annual Conference of Network Society. In addition, SIMA runs long-term joint programs with renowned institutions such as Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (summer school joint seminar), School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong (directional exchange program) and Zurich University of the Arts (Crosscultural MFA joint master’s degree program).
As of now, SIMA has 3 departments, 5 institutions, 8 laboratories, one national-level virtual reality experimental teaching center (SIMA VR Artistic Experimental teaching center) as well as a provincial experimental model-teaching center (SIMA Artistic Experimental Teaching Center). An archive of over 3000 pieces of media materials and books, together with research equipment worth over 20 million RMB, SIMA has built a multi-level, multi-subject teaching platform on which both contemporary art and visual art research can coexist. Its world-class faculty team, on the other hand, is comprised of the leading artists, curators and scholars from fields of fine arts and media arts. Among them 14 are official employees (4 with the title professor, 5 assistant professors, 4 with overseas educational background, 4 with doctorial degree and 7 with master’s degree), 20 are frequent visiting scholars and 5 are research assistants. SIMA annually invites 5 overseas professors to give lectures on campus and has established long-term cooperation with over ten renowned contemporary artists and media engineers.
Vice Dean and Secretary:
Cheng Jianguang
Vice Dean of SIMA:
Min Han
SIMA Academic Committee:
SIMA Faculty:
Guan Huanbin, Gao Shiqiang, Mou Shen, Yao Dajun
Off-Campus Scholars:
Huang Sunquan, Lu XInhua, Zhang Songren,Lu Jie, Chen Jieren
SIMA Professor Committee:
Gao Shiming, Guan Huaibin, Mou Sen,
Wu Meichun, Yao Dajun, Gao Shiqiang