24 Jun 友情推介 | 清影展讯:【寻隐者-SECRET SEEKER 】

Artists:Bai Qingwen、Tan Lijie、Wu Ding
开幕(Opening): 2015.6.28 15:00
Curator:Li Shengzhao
Organizer:Inna Art Space
展览地点:杭州 西湖区 留和路139号东信和创园内12栋
Place:Block No. 12,139 LiuHe Road, Hangzhou, China
Born in Lanzhou in 1989, Bai Qingwen is currently enrolled on the MA program of the China Academy of Art’s SIMA (School of Inter-Media Art) and lives and works in Hangzhou,producing works mostly in video-film and photographic media that explore narrativity and the potential for image based language.
Born in Shenzhen in 1991, Tan Lijie is currently enrolled on the MA program of the China Academy of Art’s SIMA (School of Inter-Media Art) and lives and works in Hangzhou.
Born in Shanhai in 1982, Tan Wu Ding currently enrolled on the MA program of the China Academy of Art’s SIMA (School of Inter-Media Art) and lives and works in Shanghai.
My recent works have been concerned with the“order” within timeand space, aspiring to ex -plore the perceptible but indescribable “innerorder” hidden in the world — per -haps the only fulcrum that can move the world.
白清文, 1989年生于兰州,中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院硕士在读,现生活工作于杭州。以录像电影与摄影为主要创作媒介,探索新叙事在图像语言中的可能性。
Born in Lanzhou in 1989, Bai Qingwen is currently enrolled on the MA program of the China Academy of Art’s SIMA (School ofInter-Media Art) and lives and works in Hangzhou,producing works mostlyin video-film and photographic media that explore narrativity and the potential for image based language.
胶片摄影/Analogue photography/2012—3013
《粘稠的水汽》/Viscous Steam
艺术喷绘/黑白/6 幅/2013
B/W Inkjet prints/Series of 6/2013
水汽在空气中蒸腾,无色无味,无法用触觉来感受;水汽遇冷凝结成水珠, 映在皮肤上,用手拂动,滋润顺滑。
Colourless, scentless, airborne steam spirals upwards, a substance impossible to comprehend by tactile means. Once exposed to drastic decreases of temperature, the vapours condense to form water drop lets that glisten upon the skin’s surface, smooth and slippery to touch.
Attributing the adjective “viscous” to water vapour seems contrary to the qualities it might more typically be ascribed, but maintains nonetheless a sort of latent correspondence with these. As it happens, occasionally even seemingly insoluble paradoxes can rest, concealed even in apparently stable images, inverting,burgeoning momentarily and without warning.
In this work, I attempt to locate the minutiae of existence, those insignificant details, moments, trying to discover latent correspondences between these,enlarging, then re-enlarging these then until solid landscapes gradually materialise.
Multi-screen images installation/HD1080P-Color/The three screen/16min46sec/2012
I grew up in the countryside, my hometown restingas if compressed between neigh bouring mountain ranges. When I was a child, the mountains always seemed immensely mysterious to me and I often fantasised that beyond their limits I might find a different and more perfect world. Now,finally, I’ve found a way to project this childhood fantasy on screen.
The work describes the life of a young boy who lives in an village bordering foothills and aspires to scale the heights of similar peaks. However, when he actually reaches the mountaintop, he finds there waiting only mound upon mound of compressed loess.
One screen image/HD1080P-BW/3min47sec/2012
I was first inspired to make this work by one of Baudelaire’s poems, a piece in which I sensed a sort of desire akin to the amorous longing one might have for a lover or partner, along with the disillusionment that arises in the wake of such feelings. Illusion of this sort stings the body like the viscous secretions of the hemlock, something clinging,irreconcilable.
Single-channelvideo/1080 P B/W, 1min 50 secs/2013
Single-channel video/HD1080P-color/3min58sec/2013
“ One”: At its origin, the Principle is founded in the One, forming the Heavens and Earth, forging myriad things. All arises in the One.
The work focuses on the correspondences between a single tree emerging from water andits reflection. During shooting, the minimal techniques employed were ritualistic in quality, tracing the horizontal axes of multiple “ones” (the Chinese character yi “一”) sweeping from the top to the bottom of the screen, as if to encompass the totality of existence. The various, white blanks that appear throughout the film allude to a return to a sort of nucleic state -from the pure white of the heavens to that of water – projected in cycle to begin once again from the moment events appear to conclude.
《往川》/Former River
Multi-screen images installation/HD1080P-Color/The three or four screen/20min36sec(3screen)/2014
I heard that in the barren wastes of the Gobi desert there is a white arc encrusted in pure white salt whereat there lies the origin of all things pure. Hearing this, I drove there in a car, hoping thatonce I arrived I too would be baptised in holy ceremony to filter away my sins.
Deep inthe Qaidam Basin, upon the pure white salt flats, line after line of rusted salt trawlers ceaselessly track their way across, bearing their translucent,crystalline white cargo.