10 Mar 新学期首展 | 幌子/ANSCHEINEND —— 杜塞尔多夫艺术学院 舞台美术工作室学生作品回顾展
德国杜塞尔多夫艺术学院 舞台美术系
约翰尼斯·舒茨 工作室
Bühnenbildklasse, Prof. Johannes Schuetz
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany
开幕时间:2015.03.10 15:00
Opening: 2015.03.10 15:00
Location: 2F, 4th Building, School of Inter-Media Art, China Academy of Art
Period: 3.10~3.15
策展: 缪文君,胡艳君,陈晓琼,
Curators:Yanjun Hu, Xiaoqiong Chen, Wenjun Miao
Assistants:Yang Wang, Shuyang Wu, Meng Qi
杜塞尔多夫艺术学院 约翰尼斯.舒茨
中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院当代艺术与社会思想研究所 牟森 高士明
Academic Supports:
Academy of Art Kunstakademie Düsseldorf :Johannes Schutz
The Institute of Contemporary Art and Thoughts, School of Inter-Media Art, China: Shiming GAO ,Sen Mou
The working process of the stage art class includes distribution of dramatical text as well as free fine art work. Therefore they are also looking for the expose with different genres such as neue musik. It is Space wich represents the center of their art work. The stage artist can not abscont from the atmosphere and the character of each space.