08 Jan 讲座 | 实验影像工作室—南方新浪潮系列讲座
China South New Wave(CSNW) 年轻学术团体,致力于影像上的交流与实践,试图探索影像的另一种可能性。
2015.01.09周五 13:00-15:00
The Inner Aesthetics – From the Narrative of Video
2015.01.09 Friday 13:00-15:00
Speaker: Wu Ding
There are a variety of possibilities in the development of contemporaryvideo. Traditionally, it is to tell story through lens, or to directly recordsome events. For the conceptual video, it will involve more such that inaccordance with certain pre-set ideas and understanding of the world, to carryout production through a unique language. The artist is particularly willing toreturn to the internal of videos, from relationship between the narrative andlanguage, narrative and space, narrative and structure, to further experiencethe inner beauty of video itself, as well as try to understand the possibilityof a new video.
⊿About Speaker
Wu Ding (b. Shanghai, 1982)is an artist who is now master in ChinaAcademy of Art, SIMA. He is living and working in Shanghai. He specializes inthe use of text, picture, video and film as the main creation medium, toexplore and practice in the video area.
2015.01.12周一 18:30-21:00
Surrealism in Movies
2015.01.12 Monday 18:30-21:00
Speaker: Bai Qingwen
Movies have been means for making dreams come true since theiremergence. As a means or concept, surrealism has been deeply rooted in themedia through more than 100 years of movie histories. Their relationships arecomplicated and ambiguous regardless of superficial visual aesthetics orprofound narrative structure, earlier fantasy of science fiction orcontemporary psychological analysis. Thus, perhaps we could attempt to definetheir boundaries and identify multiple perspectives of surrealism in thecomplex time space of movies, in hoping of gaining new perspective andrevealing other possibilities of current imaging arts.
⊿About Speaker
BaiQingwen (b.Lanzhou,1989) is now master of China Academy of Art inThe School OfInter Media Art. Currently living and working in Hangzhou, hemainly explores the possible existence of new narratives in graphiclanguages byvideos, movies and photographing.
▌香港共同舞台 & 相关的先锋剧场谭荔洁小话
2015.01.13周二 19:00-21:00
2015.01.13 Tuesday 19:00-21:00
Speaker: Tan Lijie
A chair, a mask, a cactus anda journey: Small connections between home,innocence and imagination. “Behindthese walls” acts with the urban environmentof North Point and plays withinside becoming outside and vice versa. Differentstories are told behind thesewalls.In 2014 of an experience I played in Hong Kong and research oftheaterartists, saw and heard, and want to share with you…
⊿ About Speaker
Tan Lijie (b.Shenzhen,1991)is now master of China Academy of Art inSchool of Intermedia Art, now livingand working in Shenzhen and Hangzhou. Shespecializes in the use of images,video, film and animation, to explore andpractice in the contemporary art.