21 Nov ’85与一所艺术学府—国家近现代美术研究中心学术研究展
主办机构:国家近现代美术研究中心 中国美术学院 中国美术馆
1985年前后的新潮美术运动,是中国当代艺术史上最动人的一幕。这场以“八五”命名的艺术新潮具有一个重要的历史特征,即它的发生并发展始终围绕着学院,而浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院)在这场运动中具有不可替代的重要地位。为此,国家近现代美术研究中心以“’85与一所艺术学府”为题,聚焦1985年前后浙江美院所发生的一系列艺术事件,以作品与丰富的文献资料展示八十年代艺术新思潮在这所艺术学府中的发生与发展, 匡正人们对八五美术新潮的简单化理解,在对历史情境的重构中,多维度地再现那场声势浩大的艺术思潮的历史成因,并试图在20世纪中国艺术现代性的整体脉络中,探讨艺术运动的历史与社会意涵。
Research Exhibition Organized by National Research Center for Modern Art 2013
’85 & an Art Academy
National Research Center for Modern Art
China Academy of Art
National Art Museum of China
Curating: Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thought, CAA
Opening Time: Nov. 22, 2013, 14:00
Exhibition Period: Nov. 22-Dec. 20, 2013
Exhibition Venue: Floor 5, NAMOC
The New Wave Art Movement around 1985 was the most touching scene in the contemporary Chinese art history. This new wave of art with the title of “’85” has an important historical character: its birth and growth circled around academies from the beginning, and the Zhejiang Art Academy (China Academy of Art today) played the irreplaceable significant role in this movement. Thus, the National Research Center of Modern Art organizes the exhibition “’85 and an Art Academy”, focuses on a series of art events happened around 1985 in Zhejiang Art Academy, shows the birth and growth of the new thinking wave of art in the 1980s in this art academy with artworks and rich documentaries, so as to correct simplified understanding about the “’85 new wave of art”, and to re-present the historical origins of this gigantic and vigorous thinking wave of art in amultidimensional manner in the re-construction of the historical context, and to try to discuss the history and social implication of art movement in the entire context of the Chinese art modernity in the 20thcentury.