《觸黯》,裝置,2018年,20 个铁制屋形,黄铜扶手表面光,和黑暗相关的中英文词汇,尺寸可变/ 澳门艺术博物馆,2018年,
Touching the Gloomy, installation, 2018, 20 iron house shapes, brass handrails with right surface, Chinese and English phrases related to dark, variable size / Macau Art Museum, 2018
《觸黯》,裝置,2018年,20 个铁制屋形,黄铜扶手表面光,和黑暗相关的中英文词汇,尺寸可变/ 澳门艺术博物馆,2018年,
Touching the Gloomy, installation, 2018, 20 iron house shapes, brass handrails with right surface, Chinese and English phrases related to dark, variable size / Macau Art Museum, 2018