
《浮园》,影像 3分50秒,2016年, Wandering Landscape, video, 3'50'', 2016   《浮园》装置 , 铸铝、钢板、影像、水泥柱、不锈钢镜、40尺集装箱、影像,青岛黄岛海滨公园,中国青岛/萨拉贡美术馆,法国普罗旺斯,2016-2017年, Wandering Landscape, installation, casting aluminum, steel plate, image, cement pole, stainless steel mirror, container of 40 feet, Huangdao Seaside Park, Qingdao / Saragon Art Museum, Provence, France, 2016-2017  ...

《顶光》影像,9分05秒,2016年 Top Light, video, 9'05'', 2016...

《临波》2017,装置,印斗部件、玻璃、铸铜太湖石, On the Wave, installation, printing bucket parts, glass, casting copper Taihu lake stone, 2017...

《三十米》,装置,30米卷尺,云台山红石岩,58x43.2cm,2017年 30 Meters, installation, a tape of 30 meters, Redstone from Yuntai Mountain, 58x43.2cm, 2017...

《世纪》,装置,钢结构、花岗岩刻字、地毯、铜版腐蚀文字,尺寸可变/ 斯特拉斯堡大学中庭,法国斯特拉斯堡,2017年 Century, installation, steel structure, lettering on granite, carpet, characters corroded on copperplate, variable size / atrium of University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 20...

《折园2》装置,铁板、铜剑、铸铜太湖石 , 2018年, Garden of Fracture 2, installation, iron plate, copper sword, casting copper Taihu lake stone, 2018...

焰園,影像裝置,2013 —2018年,64 只红星二锅头酒瓶铸造玻璃砖、红木箱、摄影、影像...

《焰园》影像、6分15秒,2013年 Garden of Flame, video, 6’15”, 2013...

《天际识归舟,2》,装置,金属船两艘,金属钢结构烤漆、不锈钢镜面,锻铜太湖石,频闪灯、铜管,尺寸:7.3 x 0.6 x H3 m/ 澳门艺术博物馆,2015-2018年, Heaven Knows the Boats, installation, two metal boats, painted steel structure, stainless steel mirror, forged copper Taihu lake stone, strobe light, copper tube, 7.3 x 0.6 x 3m(h), Macau Art Museum, 2015-2018...

《烁园》,装置,白铁波纹板隔墙、钢板、不锈钢镜面、太湖石、太湖石、聚光灯、铸铜桃树、铸铜乌鸦、铸铜太湖石、投影机两台、调光装置、地毯、金属弧墙,17.8 x 2.62 x2.62m,/ 澳门艺术博物馆,2018年, Sparkling Garden, installation, installation, white iron corrugated plate partition wall, steel plate, stainless steel mirror, Taihu lake stone, spotlight, casting copper peach tree, casting copper crow, casting copper Taihu lake stone, two projectors, dimming device, carpet, metal arc wall, 17.8 x 2.62...